Dear user WillParkinson (Will Bowden):
I hope one day you will be able to see this message and got our replies.
I want to thank you first for trying ecoVegan products and giving your honest review, this helps us to learn further about our customers and how we can improve for serving more public.
First, on the nutrition label you have pointed out something that could causes confusion for the consumers, and here we apologize.
Our current serving sizes are based on the weight portion not the actual quantity; therefore 3 patties with total weight 7.1oz making serving size 4 of each recommended 1.8oz portion. We also realized this was not easily understood and are already making changes accordingly for our next batch of packaging. In the future Sunshine Patties will have 3 servings and with its respective nutrition information. I hope this clarifies.
The same information is also available on our FAQ page for our customers, and we hope this will not be any stopping point for the consumers to give us a try.
Second, there might be a misunderstanding of the 38% of the fat; because if that's the case we would not call it healthy at all. Each serving size 1.8oz contains 6.05g, which is 9.31% of Fat.
When we consider smart, we consider the choice is smart because the consumers are making a positive change for switching out of meat, for the fact the ecoVegan's products are quick and easy to prepare, and for a more compassionate and sustainable solution. When we consider healthy, in addition to the dietary nutrition facts, we also consider the choice is healthy for the planet, for our mind, body, and spirit, and healthy for eco-balance.
Perhaps these are something we hope to share along with the consumers and to grow with us into the plant-based path.
Dear WillParkinson, you have been great and honest and provide your valuable feedback, and we hope you understand our perspectives by above replies. We thank you for your support, and continue welcome your constructive comments!
Many wishes for your happiness and a compassionate vegan world.
ecoVegan staff.
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